
Modify buffer geometry

  • 9 November 2016
  • 3 replies




I created some buffers around base points of a linestreet and built a convex hull for every pair of points to create buffers around every part of this line street (yeah I know it exists Buffer transformers but a few parts of the buffer cannot be created with the normal bufferers as you perhaps see in the picture). The result can be seen in the upper picture.


Now I have to intersect other objects (buildings, landuse areas and others) with these buffers and have to find out how much objects are in each buffer. The problem is that the buffers overlap each other so one object could be intersected in more than one buffer and so the counter would not work fine. The solution might be the construct in the lower picture. I got the idea to merge all the buffers (for example with the Dissolver?) and then create central verticals out of the buffer and base points geometries. Could that be possible? And how?

3 replies

Badge +16

Hi @felixderglueckl, The dissolver will create a single polygon from your buffers, on how to construct the lines in the picture below, I am not sure how to proceed.

However, you might what to have a look at the spatial relator to relate the features (buildings, landuse areas and others) to the buffers, you could use the group By setting to relate ONLY features that have a common value for the group by attribute.

Hope this helps.

Userlevel 5
Badge +25

You can use a VoronoiDiagrammer to achieve this, feed your original points in it and then clip the resulting polygons with your dissolved convex hulls

Hope this helps.

Userlevel 2
Badge +16

Another idea:

First use the PointConnector to create lines from the points that should create a buffered area.

Then use the Bufferer to create the buffers around the lines instead of creating them point by point and use the HullAccumulator.
