
Area builder transformer with "Drop Holes=Yes" leads to workbench failure

I couldn’t figure out why Adding area builder transformer with "Drop Holes" as "Yes" leads the workbench runs and displays the following message for ever.



“Sorting 1589 features...


Determining uppermost containment...


Constructing donuts from 1589 features...


Completed 0.62% of intermediate processing (spatially indexing intersection components)


Completed 100% of intermediate processing (spatially indexing intersection components)


Sorting 1590 features...


Determining uppermost containment...


Constructing donuts from 1590 features...


Sorting 1591 features...


Determining uppermost containment...


Constructing donuts from 1591 features...


Sorting 1592 features...


Determining uppermost containment...


Constructing donuts from 1592 features”




The workbench never stop running at the same time if I changed the Drop Holes to No it will work fine but with wrong results.




Many thanks,


Ahmad Saleh

3 replies

Badge +1
Hi Ahmad,



It might be because you're feeding the AreaBuilder polygons, not lines which is the expected geometry.If you want to merge the features, the Dissolver might work better.



Hi Owen,


Thank you for your reply, the reason for using area builder is to remove the  drop holes form the written polygons and this is why I have used it.


May you please have a look at the following post?.!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_SEARCH_RESULT&id=906a0000000dBupAAE




Best regards,


Ahmad Saleh
Badge +1
Its the deaggregator that is introducing the additional 'holes' as polygons. I did a test by reading your dwg and writing straight to gdb and it works fine
