
Networkflow orienter - Arc and succeding features after it cames out of Unused port

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An arc from an SDE  polyline feature class was unused inthe NetworkFlowOrientor transformer. Its adjacent segments and other succeeding segments were also unused. How can these segments eb included in the translation? Red lines and highlighted blue ine were the five segments that came out of the Unused output port of the transformer.



2 replies

Badge +5
Not sure if this matters as the junction point between the arc and the feature seems to be coincident. according to Transformer definition of an Unused port;: All edges or linear features not connected to the destination node are output through the Unused port. 



Badge +3
try stroking the arc prior to NWFO.


After all a arc is a mathematical object. It has no reallife properties, only aproximations.



You could also claculate all intersection between arcs and its neirhgbours and then rebuild the arc using these points..
