
FME KML to shp conversion produces less features than Arc conversion

  • 24 July 2019
  • 1 reply


I am using FME Desktop 2018.0 to convert a kmz to shp. This is part of the workspace:

I shorten field names longer than 10 characters to less than 10 in AttributeManager. The NetworkLink layer does not normally appear in the kmz files I work with, so I am curious if there are features there that FME is somehow missing. But NetworkLink does not appear as a layer in Data Inspector. The pink lines are from the FME converted shapefiles and the underlying darker, thicker lines are from the Arc converted layer:

The layer converted in Arc has 4358 more line features than its FME counterpart. Any ideas how FME is missing the features?

1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +11

Hi @regulusdeneb,

I think it may be something to do with the geometry coming in. Is your input geometry all lines? Are there any arcs or areas? A good way to check is by hooking your input data to a GeometryFilter to see what you have. Another thing to check is to inspect your input data, does all the geometry show up or does it appear to be missing as well? If you're able to share a sample workspace template with feature caches included, this will help the Community get a better idea of what might be happening and offer some ideas and suggestions.

On a slight aside, I noticed that you've got a lot of repeated transformers. Are all those feature types from the same reader? If you are interested in some workspace improvements, and you only need to change the attribute names and reproject the data, consider using one workflow stream. You could read in your KMZ as a Single Merged Feature Type, AttributeManager (though I think the SHP writer may automatically shorten feature names for you), Reprojector, and then in the Shapefile writer feature type parameters, set the Shapefile Name to fme_feature_type, which creates a fanout.
