
Assigning overlapping lines of different elevation to adjacent polygons.

Hello everyone!



I was searching and trying out examples from other posts with similar issues, but could not really achieve satisfying result to my needs. I have roof construction lines in 3D which need to be assigned to building footprint polygons. Essentially my task is to provide a building part ID to respective roof lines. I am struggling with overlapping lines where building part polygons meet (blue lines in the first image).



Seemingly, most of the topology and line connecting tools work either in 2D mode or height is uniformly assigned according to some rule which does not work on the large and diverse dataset. As a result, I could not find straightforward ways to assign section lines to a respective building part.



All suggestions are welcome! I attatch a template workspace with one building so data is available for trying out.





Thanks in advance!

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +26

Hi @wandenis,

I would suggest using the Geometry extractor to store the line geometries as an attribute. Then you can perform your can force all the lines to 2D and perform operations to figure out which path they belong to. Then once you know you can use the GeometryRepalcer to restore the original 3D geometries back.

Perhaps this doesn't help with all of the issues but it's a handy tool

Hi @wandenis,

I would suggest using the Geometry extractor to store the line geometries as an attribute. Then you can perform your can force all the lines to 2D and perform operations to figure out which path they belong to. Then once you know you can use the GeometryRepalcer to restore the original 3D geometries back.

Perhaps this doesn't help with all of the issues but it's a handy tool

Hi @virtualcitymatt,



Thanks for suggestion! It is definitely a nice way to get around some of the 3D deficiencies, however I am still struggling to separate those overlapping lines. Now I could assign IDs of both polygons that in 2D touch ovelapping lines, but the problem is that both of the overlapping pair lines have both polygon IDs which does not help to pick the right one.



I wonder if there is a get around way to use Line Combiner only on touching lines in 3D?
