
Compare schema (xlsx) to another xlsx populated with field data and verify records are correct

  • 30 November 2018
  • 3 replies

I am brand new to FME. I have a schema that i need to compare field collected data to to verify that all the attributes are there and are valid data types.


XSLX of field data:

Thanks! John

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +30

Hi @jackofallcad


I think the transformer AttributeValidator is important in your case to validade the type os attributes:





Userlevel 2
Badge +17

Could you please specifically explain about required validation rules for each data type?

Badge +2

@jackofallcad the most straight forward solution is to add your rules to the AttirbuteValidator as @danilo_fme suggested. But AttributeValidator is a bit tedious to use if you have many rules, or if rules change. An alternative is to use the DatabaseJoiner as a lookup to your schema spreadsheet. With a very little restructuring, your schema spreadsheet could be used for this. Your domain values would need to be in a single field on the same line as the attribute name.

There are some ideas on using the DatabaseJoiner to validate schemas in the webinar 'Data Validation Victories', particularly the ideas from City of Kitchener / Consortech (starting about slide 20) . A bit more detail in the full presentation
