
Combine by attribute and remove old..

  • 27 October 2017
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view



I'll try to explain my problem easy as possible :)

So I have table where is lots of rows but only two different attributes.. I would like to combine rows together by their attributes. For example:

Start looks smthing like this.


And I would like to combine attributes after eachother as long as there is attribute to combine with..


For now I manage to make attributes after eachother till there is no more, but problem comes with duplicate attributes what I would like to avoid.


It seems so simple task to get rid of, but can't get my head on it what im missing.

1 reply


Was too unpatient with my project... After posting this I realized to search answer from different view.

Finding that "First" ID helps to keep material organized.

Found that with DatabaseJoiner and combining ID1 with ID2.. All unjoined attributes were those "first" ones.

So now my project is rolling forward..

One thing what was jumping in my head is looping this all.. But I cant use featuremerger in loop.. Right?
