
How to Convert an int attribute to string so I can concatonate with aggregator?

  • 15 July 2016
  • 2 replies


Im using an aggregator to merge some features and some of the fields are integers but I wish to concatenate them like strings, i.e 12,24,106

When I attempt this in the aggregator it has an error as the attribute it is writing the concatenated value back to is number format.

How can I change the type of these attributes to string before they enter the aggregator?

Seems I can find plenty about converting string to int but not much the other way around.

Thanks for the help

2 replies


never mind, I think I was just using the string formatter wrong earlier, would remove this if I knew how.

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Can you tell us what the error message is? I've tried this without problem and, in general, FME doesn't care about the attribute type in operations like this.
