
Workspace editing becomes suddenly very slow

  • 15 April 2014
  • 9 replies

Hi all,



I have a wokspace that becomes suddenly very slow when editing. Making connections goes normal untill I add up a some (8x)  testers + atrubutecreators in series. So not adding up an enormeous amount of links on this point. But after adding these 16 transformers making a connection takes +30mins.



The workspace does not contain any custom transformer (as I read that this can cause similar behaviour) and the complete workspace contains +/- 200 transformers.



Any suggestions on this?






9 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Hi Rob,



You can try the following:
  1. Purge temporary files (Tools > Purge Temporary Files).
  2. Start a blank ws and copy ols ws content to it
  3. Delete all FME TEMP location files
Hopefully it helps....



Thanks a lot!



Editing a connection takes now +/- 10 seconds, so much faster than the +30 mins.


Still not very happy with the speed, but now I can update a few things and create some seperate models.



NB. the model runs in 7 seconds
Userlevel 5



Make sure that you limit the number of attributes that enter each transformer. For each connection you make, the Workbench will validate the existence of each and every attribute all along the chain of transformers. Having a huge number of exposed attributes will definitely slow you down here. A few strategically placed AttributeKeepers can do wonders.



If that doesn't help, consider sending your workspace to your reseller or Safe support for a second opinion.



Userlevel 4
Badge +13
true, dropping everything unnecessary is a must!
After a few edits it is again the same story: minutes and minutes for an edit.


So the steps mentioned by Itay just works for a while.



@David: This is more or less ok, but I will revise the workspace to check if there are still attributes that can be deleted in some streams.
Userlevel 5
Another thing, if you find yourself repeating and/or chaining a lot of transformer groups, consider rethinking the architecture a bit. Some alternatives for a group of Testers + AttributeCreators could include a SchemaMapper, AttributeValueMapper, TestFilter or even packing it into a custom transformer.



What version of FME are you using? What are your computer spec?
I suggest you to read this post for a possible solution (!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_DETAIL&dc=All&criteria=OPENQUESTIONS&id=906a0000000cuoMAAQ)
Hi all,



Running FME 2014 (build 14230). There is no issue with startup/close time or processing time. Only issue that on some point (very suddenly) the editing of the workspace gets slower.



Cleaned up the model a bit (ie. deleted some attributes) but that didn't impoved the speed.


Best way to make the model usable again was creating some custom transformers for some parts of the model.



Thanks for help!
