
Problem using Python to send emai, feature.getAttribute()

  • 19 July 2013
  • 8 replies




I am trying to set my workspace to send an email using a shutdown python script.


For doing so, I used the following Python script found on one of the Safe articles:




import smtplib, fmeobjects




to =  FME_MacroValues['EmailTo']


gmail_user =  FME_MacroValues['GmailUser']


gmail_pwd =  FME_MacroValues['Password']


Subject =  FME_MacroValues['SuccessSubject']


FailSubject =  FME_MacroValues['FailSubject']


Emailfrom =  FME_MacroValues['EmailFrom']


Jobs =  FME_MacroValues['JOBID']



FeaturesWritten = str(FME_FeaturesWritten)



status = FME_Status


if status == 0:


    Subject =  FailSubject


    Message = 'Workspace Failed'    




    Message = 'Workspace Successful. Resulting *.dwg Can Be Located At C:\\Temp'



smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP("",587)









smtpserver.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd)


header = 'To:' + to + '\\n' + 'From: ' + Emailfrom + '\\n' + 'Subject:' + Subject +'\\n'


print header


msg = header + '\\n' + Message + '\\n\\n'


smtpserver.sendmail(gmail_user, to, msg)


print 'done!'






This code works fine, but what I need to do is set the email destination ("to" variable) to an attribute called _Email_submitter.


But when I try to do so, the translation fails.


I setting the variable like this:



feature.getAttribute("_Email_submitter") =  email


to =  email



This is the only part in the entire code that is changed, but for some reason its causing the translation to fail.



I am not sure with I am having a problem retriving the attribute value (the list have only one value) or if is not possible to set an attribute value as the email destination.







8 replies

I was making some tests with the script and seems that the problem is with the feature.getAttribute("_Email_submitter"), but I couldn't figure out why.
Userlevel 2
Badge +17
Hi Gabriel,



feature.getAttribute("_Email_submitter") =  email   1) In the shutdown process, any  features don't exist any longer. You cannot get attribute values from any features. If you need to get a feature attribute value, you should do that in the midway of translation.


2) The = operator assigns the right hand side to the left hand side, but the left hand side of this expression is method calling, which cannot be assign any values. This is an invalid syntax.



Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Hi Gabriel


You can make a python variable out of an attribute value midway in a translation using the pythonCaller like this:



import fmeobjects # Template Function interface: def processFeature(feature):   global MyCounter     Email_submitter = feature.getAttribute('_Email_submitter"')     pass



You really just need to send one feature to the pythonCaller (use a Sampler - first feature)


Then in the shutdown script Email_submitter is already defined and you can get it like this:



Email_submitter = str(Email_submitter)






Hello, Ken



I set my workspace as you told me but my translation keeps failing.


I get the following message:



Python Exception <NameError>: name 'Email_submitter' is not defined

Error executing string `import smtplib, fmeobjects



I am not sure, but I belive this error is happening in the PythonCaller.


I've never used this transformer before, so I was unsure about what should I set on the "Class or Function to Process Features" so I just left the the default value "FeatureProcessor".








Yeah, just changed the "Class or Function to Process Features" to processFeature and still doesn't work
Userlevel 2
Badge +17
Hi Gabriel,



Maybe there is a typo in Ken's example script. Change "global MyCounter" to "global Email_submitter" and retry.



Hey Takashi,



I are right, I guess this was the reason why it was not working.


Either way, I managed to solve my problem with the help from your post on this topic:



Double thank you!
Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Sorry guys, yes a typo in my sample (I modified it to fit the question and missed something). Should be:



import fmeobjects # Template Function interface: def processFeature(feature):   global Email_submitter     Email_submitter = feature.getAttribute('_Email_submitter"')     pass
