
List of all "feature type name" with schema reader from ArcSDE

With the schema reader I can get all the "feature type name" from:


- shapefiles (...\\**\\*.shp)


- File geo database (test.gdb)



But how can I get all the "feature type name" from an ArcSDE? 


or from an oracle database?



3 replies

Badge +2
Perhaps try the following:



Define an ArcSDE / Oracle reader and configure its parameters as per normal.



Delete any feature types that are created on the screen but keep the reader in-tact.



Define a Schema (Any Format) Reader reader and be sure to select "Single Merged Feature Type" down the bottom. Configure via the Parameters button the Input Format of ArcSDE or Oracle.



FME will then use your ArcSDE / Oracle reader as a proxy and use it to obtain the parameters as well as use its "Feature Types To Read" Advanced parameter to define which tables to read or to hopefully read all tables your user has access to.


Thank you for the reply.


I do not understand what I have to write to the "Dataset" parameter for the Schema (Any Format) Reader. I set the defined name for the ArcSDE Reader. But I get the following error message:



|INFORM|Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `SCHEMA'


|INFORM|Loaded module 'SCHEMA' from file 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME_2014\\plugins/generic.dll'


|INFORM|FME API version of module 'SCHEMA' matches current internal version (3.7 20131121)


|INFORM|Generic Reader: No format specific settings have been found for the SDE30 Reader -- default values as documented in the Reader/Writer manual will be used


|ERROR |_SERVER must be specified when not using the direct connect capability to connect to the database


|WARN  |Schema Reader: SDE30 Reader could not be opened with the supplied parameters. Ignoring this error and continuing.



Thanks in advance.


Badge +3
U can also just use a sqlcreator, and do a base selection: select * from Something.


Then use attributes to expose--> populate from query.
