
XMLTemplater with conditions

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  • 1961 replies
Hi all,



I'm working with the  XMLTemplater and would like to know if it's possible to conditionally process subtemplates.



ie if attr1 = "a" then {fme:process-template("X")} else {fme:process-template("Y")}

3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +17



I think you can use this syntax.




{if(fme:get-attribute("attr1") eq "a") then {fme:process-template("X")} else {fme:process-template("Y")}}





Badge +22
Thank you, that did exactly what I needed. Where did you find the syntax?
Userlevel 2
Badge +17
I found this description and example in the help doc of the XMLTemplater ;)




A common use case is to write out an XML element only if a feature attribute has a value. To do this, an if-then-else statement is used. The following example writes out the displayName element only if the feature contains a display_name attribute, and value of the attribute is not an empty string.





{ if( fme:has-attribute("display_name") and 


      not(fme:get-attribute("display_name") eq "") )


then <displayName>{fme:get-attribute("display_name")}</displayName>


else ()




