
Version upgrade to 2019, getting error "

  • 20 November 2019
  • 2 replies

I have several workspaces that work with Caris CSARPC Point Cloud files, I have just upgraded to v2019 64bit from 2018 32bit. I also have had an OS upgrade from win7 to win10. I know a lot of changes...

When I run the workspaces now, I get an error "The error was 'Caris error: 139764: Internal error" and "Error running translation", in 2018 I don't get this and it works fine. I can't find a reference to the Caris error number anywhere, does anyone know how to find this?

(Note: If I run in Cache mode and step through all transformers I don't get the error???, Also I'm writing all fme temporary files to a file share that has plenty of space)


general process at start of all workspaces is:

- creator

- FeatureReader (CSARPC)

- PointCloud Coercer

- CoordinateExtractor (just extracting z value)


2 replies

Hi, Just ran one of the workspaces through the 32 bit FME v2019 and got the errors in debug mode: see attached text file of log file.


thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas???





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Might be a dumb question, but did you create new readers and writers? Might clear up the issue.
