
How do I get the coordinate system from EXIF?

  • 12 March 2018
  • 1 reply



I am using the translators PhotoCoordinateExtractor to VertexCreator and then writing to a shapefile in order to get points from photos. The problem is that the shapefiles then don't have a spatial reference.

Is there any way of getting what the spatial reference / projected coordinate system is from the EXIF information or any FME feature attribute?

Or should I just assume that its WGS84?

Here are the attributes I know exist, but I dont think any of them can answer my question:

exif_brightnessvalue (string) exif_imageuniqueid (string) fme_basename (string) fme_dataset (string) fme_feature_type (string) fme_geometry (string) fme_type (string) jpeg_exif_aperturevalue (string) jpeg_exif_colorspace (string) jpeg_exif_componentsconfiguration (string) jpeg_exif_datetime (string) jpeg_exif_datetimedigitized (string) jpeg_exif_datetimeoriginal (string) jpeg_exif_exifversion (string) jpeg_exif_exposurebiasvalue (string) jpeg_exif_exposuremode (string) jpeg_exif_exposureprogram (string) jpeg_exif_exposuretime (string) jpeg_exif_flash (string) jpeg_exif_flashpixversion (string) jpeg_exif_fnumber (string) jpeg_exif_focallength (string) jpeg_exif_focallengthin35mmfilm (string) jpeg_exif_gpsaltitude (string) jpeg_exif_gpsaltituderef (string) jpeg_exif_gpsdatestamp (string) jpeg_exif_gpslatitude (string) jpeg_exif_gpslatituderef (string) jpeg_exif_gpslongitude (string) jpeg_exif_gpslongituderef (string) jpeg_exif_gpstimestamp (string) jpeg_exif_gpsversionid (string) jpeg_exif_interoperability_index (string) jpeg_exif_interoperability_version (string) jpeg_exif_isospeedratings (string) jpeg_exif_make (string) jpeg_exif_makernote (string) jpeg_exif_maxaperturevalue (string) jpeg_exif_meteringmode (string) jpeg_exif_model (string) jpeg_exif_orientation (string) jpeg_exif_pixelxdimension (string) jpeg_exif_pixelydimension (string) jpeg_exif_resolutionunit (string) jpeg_exif_scenecapturetype (string) jpeg_exif_shutterspeedvalue (string) jpeg_exif_software (string) jpeg_exif_subsectime (string) jpeg_exif_subsectime_digitized (string) jpeg_exif_subsectime_original (string) jpeg_exif_usercomment (string) jpeg_exif_whitebalance (string) jpeg_exif_xresolution (string) jpeg_exif_ycbcrpositioning (string) jpeg_exif_yresolution (string) jpeg_type (string)

Thanks for any advice!


1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +25

The EXIF coordinates are always stored in lat/lon, degrees minutes and seconds, if I recall correctly the PhotoCoordinateExtractor converts that to decimal degrees and thus it's LL84
