
Changing MicroStation Level Names

  • 13 April 2019
  • 7 replies


I need to change MicroStation Level names. I have tried using SchemeManager, AttributeManager and AttributeRenamer. All of which I can use a csv file to indicate which is the source and which is the destination level names. none of the transformers work. The output always writes the source level names not the destination level names.

7 replies


can you try to change igds_level_name? (or upload an example of your data)


can you try to change igds_level_name? (or upload an example of your data)

The data set is to large to share. I have tried to change the igds_level_name and with the same results.


The data set is to large to share. I have tried to change the igds_level_name and with the same results.

even if you set reader parameter (group elements by) to Level name


can you try to change igds_level_name? (or upload an example of your data)

yes even if I set it to group elements by level name


yes even if I set it to group elements by level name

try to change igds_level_name and igds_level to the same name and in the writer choose fanout (igds_level_name).. it works for me (i moved feature from test level to result level)


I have tried to use the setting that you are showing and what I end up is with a level that is called <2 Possible Values>. I have tried SchemeMapper with the exposed attributes set to fme_feature_type and when I write to the Inspector everything writes correctly but when I write to a DNG file all of the levels remain the same as the sourcefeatures.


that mean it is working :).

Just you do not use <2 Possible Values> as value (i use conditional test : if the level name is test then change it to result otherwise kepp it as it)... for your case you can use the name directly.. Use attribute manger for change igds_level and igds_level_name to the same desired name.
