
How to make a texture or an image as an appearance on 3d Walls or floors for KML writer files ???

  • 22 April 2016
  • 3 replies


I tried using Appearance setter for KMLwriter but didnt able to get the result. Appearance setter worked for CityGML output but not for KML output.

3 replies

Badge +11

You need to make sure that your geometry is some sort of mesh and that you're writing kmz files not kml itself. You should also introduce an AppearanceStyler prior to the AppearanceSetter for defintion of your texture information.

Textured objects are stored as collada files that are referenced and placed by a master kml file. The FME OGCKML Writer is able to write such kmz files. Make sure that in Advanced settings of KML writer the parameter "Write 3D Geometry As Polygons" is set to "no". This triggers the collada/kml writing.

Badge +24

Is it possible for kml file to inherit values from a raster/vector image as well when draping it to the feature?

Userlevel 1
Badge +15

Is it possible for kml file to inherit values from a raster/vector image as well when draping it to the feature?

Hi @kennyo​ what type of values or attributes are you looking to inherit/keep when draping an image onto features?
