
split polygons at dateline

  • 19 April 2017
  • 3 replies




I have a polygon that crosses the dateline.


I would like to split it into two at the dateline, so I even won't need a dateline fix (e.g. My goal is a longitude within -180 and 180 and a correct display on the map using LL-WGS84.


Is this possible? What transformers do I need to use?

3 replies

Badge +22

One option would be to use the clipper with a clipper feature being a box -90, 90,-180,180. Make sure create aggregates is set to No, and you want the features from both the Inside and Outside ports.

Userlevel 2
Badge +16

Another way would be to use the InterSector to Cut the area and an AreaBuilder to restore the 2 polygons:

With this result:

Badge +22

Another way would be to use the InterSector to Cut the area and an AreaBuilder to restore the 2 polygons:

With this result:

With the caveat that they must be simple polygon(s) with no holes or slivers, and you'll need to transfer the attributes if required.

