
Download ZIP-File from a REST Response



Following situation: Via HTTP-Caller I send a POST. Via the normal way, when I send the POST via a REST-Editor (Postman) then I got a response in JSON-Format with an URL, which I click it downloaded a zip-File with the data. My first question: How I catch in the HTTP-Caller the response? Or is a option to trigger immediately the download of the zipFile?


2 replies

Userlevel 5

You should be getting the JSON response in the "_response_body" attribute from the HTTPCaller:

From there on you can use e.g. the JSONFlattener to extract the URL into an attribute, then another HTTPCaller set to download the zip from that URL:

This article contains a lot of great information on how to work with APIs using the HTTPCaller, if you haven't seen it already:



Thanks a lot for your precious answer
