
How do I insert co-ordinates from aggregate polygon




How do I insert coordinates of aggregate polygons in oracle sptial. Do I need to worry about polygon orientation?






7 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +17
Hi John,



If you mean Oracle Spatial Relational format, it seems not to support aggregate geometry type.



I think you will have to de-aggregate the features before writing.


Consider using the Deaggregator transformer.



Thanks Takashi.


I am intend to use Oracle Sptial Object. I think it supports aggregate feature. Currently my Oracle Spatial Object writer is disabled but it will soon get activated. For this reason I am not able to try this writer. What I need to understand is do I need to anything with multi-part polygons or it's straight forward ie. just specify the table name and geom column and writer will do all necessary things. I could not find any example which uses Oracle Spatial Writer.


Also I am more interested in polygons with centroids.
Userlevel 3
Badge +17
In my environment, cannot try Oracle Spatial Object format unfortunately. But according to the help documentation, the format supports aggregate geometry type as you mentioned.


In general, you can write multi-part polygons directly into a dataset whose format supports aggregate.



Regarding centroids, FME can create 3 kinds of representative points of geometry with these transformers:








About differences among them, see help documentations.
Userlevel 5



unless you're using a very old version of Oracle Spatial, you should not use the Oracle Spatial Relational writer, it exists only for historical reasons and has been deprecated since Oracle 9g. So you using the Oracle Spatial Object reader is probably correct.



There shouldn't be any problems writing aggregate geometries using this writer, just make sure that your aggregated geometries are homogenous. That is, any aggregate should ideally only contain one type of geometry, e.g. only polygons, only lines, etc. If you need to store both polygons and centroids (points) it might not work, but it will probably depend on several factors, so you should really try it out before making a final decision.



Thanks everyone. I will try Oracle Spatial Object once it's activated. Will post issues if any.
Badge +3
We work with OracleSpatial.



No problems with aggregates.


We are just now migrating to 11.
