
Connect points following a road centerline

Dear FME

I want to connect a series of points that follow a certain road alignment.

I have a set of point data that are snapped to a road alignment. The point data were registered by different equipment several times in a year. Unfortunately, the point data do not distinguish between different equipment. However, there are two registered dates for each point data that follow the from-to principle. I used these dates to find the sequence and then use them to connect the related points to each other.

Even though I was able to create convex from the related points, the built convex were linearly connected.

What I would like to attain is to find a method that can link the points based on the road alignment.

I gave the point-to-line-overlay transformer a try, but it was not successful! I think the problem was basically because of not having attributes that could be used for grouping!

If that was the case, does anyone know how I should assign an ID counter for the features that fulfill a certain criteria in the FeatureMerger transformer?

2 replies

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In this case you can consider using measure. Please refer to the attachment's workspace.

connect-points-by-measure.fmw (FME 2018.0.1.1)

In this case you can consider using measure. Please refer to the attachment's workspace.

connect-points-by-measure.fmw (FME 2018.0.1.1)

What do the Cloner transformers do?
