
Exposing Smallworld Attributes that FME Doesn't Recognize

  • 30 November 2012
  • 2 replies

Using FME 2012 and Smallworld 4.1, is there a way to get an attribute exposed when FME seems to ignore it?  Specifically, most of my Smallworld Objects have a "Remarks" field.  When using FME workbench to import or export Smallworld objects, this field is completely ignored.  I was hoping to find a way to expose what this field is called in smallworld language so I can write to it, or expose it so it exports. 

2 replies

Hi Amie,



which of the Smallworld plugins are you using, the one from SBS  or the one from GE?


Remarks are usually text_join_fields in Smallworld (which are used to provide unlimited length text string attributes). The SBS plugin treats these text_joins_fields as normal string fields. If you use the SBS plugin you could check if the fields are visible in Smallworld, that could be the problem in this case.


With the GE plugin I have less experience. I remember that the plugin was not able to write joins, at least in older versions.


With the attribute exposing in the FME workbench you will not succeed, if the attribute is not supported by the Smallworld side of the plugin.



Kind regards








Hi Amie,



A few years ago, I had the same problem using the GE plugin.  I describe the fix I made in my blog post



I cannot remember if that was for CST 4.1 or 4.0, but the post does give you some ideas of what you can tweak in the Magik code to support reading Smallworld text join fields.



If this hack for the Smallworld text join fields doesn't work for you, then you could configure the GE plugin's "fme_pseudo_fields" functionality to expose the text join field's data.  The "fme_pseudo_fields" is a supported API.  You can find an example about it here:






