
Merge Attributes of Duplicate Features into one

  • 16 February 2016
  • 1 reply

Hi all,



I'm fairly new to FME and having some difficulty with duplicate features, with one different attribute.



The case I'm dealing with is Estate Proprietors, where I need to show the owners of a property.


The table provided treats every Proprietor separately, despite them being applied to exactly the same property. I need to merge the Proprietor attribute of the different features (based on same ID) into the same feature.



Simplified Example:



Proprietor ID


Bob Jones 1234


Mary Jones 1234


Me Limited. 1235


John Smith 1236


Kate Smith 1236



The output I want to achieve is



Proprietor ID


Bob Jones, Mary Jones 1234


Me Limited. 1235


John Smith, Kate Smith 1236




I am able to concatenate attributes of a single feature, but am unsure how to merge these multiple features into one.



Can anyone provide assistance or suggestions as to how I would go about this?






1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

Hi, you can use the Aggregator transformer with this setting.

  • Group By: ID
  • Attributes to Concatenate: Proprietor
  • Separator Character: ,
