
Run a Workspace with external resources


It seems I have a misconception on how FME should access external resources like databases and CSV files. We have a default setup meaning the FME services run as Local System. It doesn't appear there is a way to assign permissions at the workspace level. For instance, Workspace1 is run by domain account X, Workspace2 run by domain account Y, etc. Changing the services to run as a domain account wouldn't provide separate Workspace security to file shares and databases.

How should we provide access to external resources like a CSV on a network share or a database? Is the standard to copy files to the FME server and use SQL Authentication? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

2 replies

Badge +22

What I've done is have FME server running the service as a domain account with all necessary accesses, but have the different workspaces in separate repositories and set up different role profiles for each repository.

So even though FME server is using a super domain account, when the user X logs in, they only have access to workspaces in repository X.

On the desktop level, when accessing databases, I've created published parameters for the username/password.

Userlevel 2
Badge +16

For files you could use the Resources menu in FME server. You can store the required source files on FME server and avoid network communication by the FME server account.
