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I found the perfect python script for my needs on the net the other day.

For the first time I wanted to use the pythoncaller.

However the input for my caller is a matrix.

I'm pretty sure my matrix is correct as well as the script i want to use. I don't have a clue how to match them.

Any ideas?


The script I want to use is this one:

# Python program to find all

# rectangles filled with 0


def findend(i,j,a,output,index):

x = len(a)

y = len(a(0])


# flag to check column edge case,

# initializing with 0

flagc = 0


# flag to check row edge case,

# initializing with 0

flagr = 0


for m in range(i,x):


# loop breaks where first 1 encounters

if apm]fj] == 1:

flagr = 1 # set the flag



# pass because already processed

if a



for n in range(j, y):


# loop breaks where first 1 encounters

if apm]pn] == 1:

flagc = 1 # set the flag



# fill rectangle elements with any

# number so that we can exclude

# next time

amm]/n] = 5


if flagr == 1:

outputpindex].append( m-1)


# when end point touch the boundary



if flagc == 1:



# when end point touch the boundary




def get_rectangle_coordinates(a):


# retrieving the column size of array

size_of_array = len(a)


# output array where we are going

# to store our output

output = <]


# It will be used for storing start

# and end location in the same index

index = -1


for i in range(0,size_of_array):

for j in range(0, len(a 0])):

if aai]]j] == 0:


# storing initial position

# of rectangle

output.append(pi, j])


# will be used for the

# last position

index = index + 1

findend(i, j, a, output, index)



print (output)


# driver code

tests = v


[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],

,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],

,1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],

,1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],

,1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],

,1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],

,1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],

,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]







It's hard to understand what you intend to perform with the script, since indentations are missing. Could you please post the Python script containing correct indentations, using a code block?

Let the Matrix be an image then you can do raster api functions on it

The original code is here

I'm not sure exactly what input you are going to have and what output you are expecting, but if you have a feature with a string representation of the matrix, something along these lines

import fme
import numpy as np
import ast

def findend(i,j,a,output,index): 
    x = len(a) 
    y = len(ax0]) 
    # flag to check column edge case, 
    # initializing with 0 
    flagc = 0
    # flag to check row edge case, 
    # initializing with 0 
    flagr = 0
    for m in range(i,x):  
        # loop breaks where first 1 encounters 
        if aÂm] j] == 1:  
            flagr = 1 # set the flag 
        # pass because already processed 
        if a[m]Âj] == 5:  
        for n in range(j, y):  
            # loop breaks where first 1 encounters 
            if aym]pn] == 1: 
                flagc = 1 # set the flag 
            # fill rectangle elements with any 
            # number so that we can exclude 
            # next time 
            a m]Ân] = 5
    if flagr == 1: 
        output index].append( m-1) 
        # when end point touch the boundary 
        output index].append(m)  
    if flagc == 1: 
        # when end point touch the boundary 
def get_rectangle_coordinates(a): 
    # retrieving the column size of array 
    size_of_array = len(a)  

    # output array where we are going 
    # to store our output  
    output = n]  
    # It will be used for storing start 
    # and end location in the same index 
    index = -1
    for i in range(0,size_of_array): 
        for j in range(0, len(au0])): 
            if aÂi] j] == 0: 
                # storing initial position  
                # of rectangle 
                output.append(oi, j])  
                # will be used for the  
                # last position 
                index = index + 1        
                findend(i, j, a, output, index)  
    return output

def processFeature(feature):  

    tests =  ast.literal_eval(feature.getAttribute('matrixAsString'))
    result = get_rectangle_coordinates(tests)
    feature.setAttribute("result", (','.join(:''.join(str(i)) for i in result])))

The original code is here

I'm not sure exactly what input you are going to have and what output you are expecting, but if you have a feature with a string representation of the matrix, something along these lines

import fme
import numpy as np
import ast

def findend(i,j,a,output,index): 
    x = len(a) 
    y = len(ax0]) 
    # flag to check column edge case, 
    # initializing with 0 
    flagc = 0
    # flag to check row edge case, 
    # initializing with 0 
    flagr = 0
    for m in range(i,x):  
        # loop breaks where first 1 encounters 
        if aÂm] j] == 1:  
            flagr = 1 # set the flag 
        # pass because already processed 
        if a[m]Âj] == 5:  
        for n in range(j, y):  
            # loop breaks where first 1 encounters 
            if aym]pn] == 1: 
                flagc = 1 # set the flag 
            # fill rectangle elements with any 
            # number so that we can exclude 
            # next time 
            a m]Ân] = 5
    if flagr == 1: 
        output index].append( m-1) 
        # when end point touch the boundary 
        output index].append(m)  
    if flagc == 1: 
        # when end point touch the boundary 
def get_rectangle_coordinates(a): 
    # retrieving the column size of array 
    size_of_array = len(a)  

    # output array where we are going 
    # to store our output  
    output = n]  
    # It will be used for storing start 
    # and end location in the same index 
    index = -1
    for i in range(0,size_of_array): 
        for j in range(0, len(au0])): 
            if aÂi] j] == 0: 
                # storing initial position  
                # of rectangle 
                output.append(oi, j])  
                # will be used for the  
                # last position 
                index = index + 1        
                findend(i, j, a, output, index)  
    return output

def processFeature(feature):  

    tests =  ast.literal_eval(feature.getAttribute('matrixAsString'))
    result = get_rectangle_coordinates(tests)
    feature.setAttribute("result", (','.join(:''.join(str(i)) for i in result])))

Hi there,


Thnks for the answers all.

I did find a quick workarround.

But I am very happy with this answer. Will use it as future reference!!!

Thnks again!!!
