Hi, I tried to find a way to change the ownership of an item in FME Server using REST API. There seems to be no possibility?
When I test in the GUI (Security, Items, Repositories, check Repository, hit Change Owner, select other user, OK) it does a PUT on https://fmeservername.com/fmerest/v3/security/categories/Repositories/resources/repositoryname
The body is
    "owner": "newowner",
    "clientID": "repositoryname",
    "displayName": "repositoryname",
    "rolePermissions": i{
        "name": "user:oldowner"
    "roles": "user:user:oldowner"],
    "name": "repositoryname",
    "category": "Repositories"
So I think you need:
PUT /security/categories/< category >/resources/< resource > Replace resource metadata
When I test in the GUI (Security, Items, Repositories, check Repository, hit Change Owner, select other user, OK) it does a PUT on https://fmeservername.com/fmerest/v3/security/categories/Repositories/resources/repositoryname
The body is
    "owner": "newowner",
    "clientID": "repositoryname",
    "displayName": "repositoryname",
    "rolePermissions": i{
        "name": "user:oldowner"
    "roles": "user:user:oldowner"],
    "name": "repositoryname",
    "category": "Repositories"
So I think you need:
PUT /security/categories/< category >/resources/< resource > Replace resource metadata
O wow, it works (if you replace the "user:user" by "user"). Thanks Niels!
O wow, it works (if you replace the "user:user" by "user"). Thanks Niels!
Ah thanks for the feedback.