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FME en MApublisher

  • 14 March 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello everyone,

I have a colleague that uses FME Form 2023 in combination with the FME auto plugin (MApublisher)

In previous versions he had nog problems using the FME auto plugin, however in FME Form 2023 he gets the following error:

In  the previous versions one was able to succesfully extend the Avenza MAPublisher for Illustrator via the Integration console, however in read in a post that the Integration Console is deprecated :
I was wondering whether it would still be possible to make use of the FME auto plugin in FME Forms 2023.

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +35

It should work, but if I recall correctly now that the Integration Console has been deprecated it now has to do with the order in which you install FME and MAPublisher. E.g. I installed FME 2023.2, then MAPublisher 11.3 and then FME 2024.0

I can use FME Auto to write from FME 2023.2 to MAPublisher, but if I try it from 2024.0 I only get an empty document.

Hope this helps, but (seeing as how we are the partner supporting you with both FME and MAPublisher) feel free to contact Red Geographics support directly so we can try and get to the bottom of this.

Badge +13

@redgeographics Thank you for the suggestion, however I don't think that is the problem in our case. In our case FME form 2023 is installed locally and Mapublisher is an App-V. Thus Mapublisher is always after FMe form 2023. In case, I get stuck  and I am not able to solve it, I will contact you via mail :)
