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Welcome to the new FME Community! If you have any suggestions on how to improve the service or you have any issues, feel free to post here or you can email me directly.
Another bug.


If I login, I'm on:



However, the emails the community site sends if I get a reply are:



As a result of this, even though I'm logged in, when I click a link the website doesn't think I'm logged in and wants me to do so again (despite being in the same browser session).
Is it possible to add funtionality to enable the ability to edit existing posts submitted by the logged in user?


A couple of suggestions:


  • The ordering of the answers seems backward to me.  If the latest answer were at the bottom of the answer list, it would be more of a thread in chronological order.
  • I believe it's already been brought up, but I'm required to login for each answer.  Is there an option to keep a user logged-in?





- We will do something about the ordering of the answers. We are looking at upgrading to Salesforce's latest platform which would basically give us almost everything that people have asked for here. We are just taking our time to make sure it is the right move. If not we will apply fixes to the current platform.



- Try book marking the https site rather than the http site: If there is an active session it will keep you logged in. If you go on the http site it will always make you login.
First, thank you so much for the effort in setting up these forums, it really is extremely valuable for the whole FME community!



Having said that, I think there is quite a bit of room for improvement when you compare these forums with what is available in e.g. StackExchange. Navigating on the forums there does spoil you with a lot of very thought-out functionality, and I really would have loved to see you leverage some of the work that has been done there.



My friendly suggestion is to have a good look at StackExchange and Stack Overflow (example here) and see how they have implemented some of their key functionality, particularly the voting and scoring system (user reputation score ftw!), but also the site layout and formatting.



Being able to associate a comment with a previous answer is also a very good way to encourage community discussions and something that I would love to see here as well. Topic tags will also becore more and more handy as the forum grows.



Keep up the good work!






Thanks for the feedback David. I do really like the StackOverflow workflow too. We did actually look to see of they had a commercial offering for a forum that you can whitelabel but they didn't. We are looking at making improvements to the current community though so your comments are invaluable.
Any way to keep logged in? I'm always having to re-enter email/pwd.


Also I was forced to change my password recently, I hope it doesn't apen to often. I can't see anywhere where I can update my password in my profile if I want to change it.
Hi Mark,



You can reset your password by entering your email here:



We then email you a link to reset the password.



In-terms of having to re-log in. Try bookmarking the https link:



That should remember your session information.

Hi Stewart

That works - only 'issue' for me is I can't re-use an old password! Looks like I need a new password that'll remember and not append an incrementing number on the end!

Hi Stewart , all.


Trying to find the old feature setting to receive email digest from forum questions, but not able to find it anymore


Was there any change in the platform , i suppose this was working sometime ago.




