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I have an environment with a  FME Server 2018.1.2 Build  18590 and ArcGIS Server  10.6.1.

It has been running 2 pretty similar workspaces with no problem.

The ArcGIS server was upgraded to 10.7.1. After that the following behavior is observed:

Workspace  A Fails with this log:

Creating reader for format: Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) 
 Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `GEODATABASE_SDE' 
 Loaded module 'GEODATABASE_SDE' from file 'C:\Program Files\FMEServer\Server\fme\GEODATABASE9.dll' 
 FME API version of module 'GEODATABASE_SDE' matches current internal version (3.8 20180604) 
 Performing query against GEODATABASE_SDE dataset `<Unused>' 
 Opening the Geodatabase reader 

Here  the log stops.


Then, Workspace B is triggered,  and shows the following  in the same part as the  Workspace A

Creating reader for format: Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) 
 Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `GEODATABASE_SDE' 
 Loaded module 'GEODATABASE_SDE' from file 'C:\Program Files\FMEServer\Server\fme\GEODATABASE9.dll' 
 FME API version of module 'GEODATABASE_SDE' matches current internal version (3.8 20180604) 
 Performing query against GEODATABASE_SDE dataset `<Unused>' 
 Opening the Geodatabase reader 
 FME has checked out an Esri license. The product checked out is 'ArcServer' 
 Installed ArcGIS version is '10.7' 
 Connection made to server 'MYSERVER' for dataset 'UPDM' (transactional version 'sde.DEFAULT') using instance 'sde:sqlserver:MYSERER' and user ID 'myuser' 
 ArcSDE release: '10.0'. Underlying database: 'SQL Server' 
 R_3 Reader: Using Enhanced geometry ......

Log continues and finish successfully.


Here is the tricky :

If  Workspace A is triggered again, it works fine.


After several times (3-4) start failing again.

Then I run the Workspace B and the Workspace A works again.


I noticed that it breaks just prior to the activation of the license. always is in the same location (First Feature reader with format Esri Geodatabase ArcSDE Geodb).


Any cause? suggestion?


I know that this  article states that I should be using FME 2019.1 but  the thing that caught my attention is that Worspace A works, and fail once in while. moreover the Workspace B does not fail.

Strange that it works occasionally with one workspace but not the other... Can you confirm that FMEEngine is running as a InteractiveAccount, not localservices? Occasionally that can cause issues:


Error can occur when checking out the license or when trying to connect to the network sde server. It's possible that it is network related, perhaps you could also try testing with a File geodatabase to confirm whether the issue still occurs with fgdb?

The engines run under the local service account. In my effort to identify the problem i try to reproduce the behavior in another environment, therefore i setup a server with FME Server 2020 with ArcGIS server 10.8.1. :the behavior was the same.

In that environment, your proposed solution was tested and it worked. but i try to reproduced in the original environment and the behavior continues.

Moreover, I created a third environment with FME Server 2019.2.3.2 and ArcGIS Server 10.7.1, and the workspaces worked with out any issue, i do not have to change the account that runs the engine service.
