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After working through setting up a webhook in FME Server (separate thread), I now run into the issue that when I make a 'POST' request to the webhook URL, this kicks off the same workspace twice. They start just 2-3 seconds apart and both complete successfully. But since I'm inserting into a database, I end up with twice the inserts.


Server logs directory has two (2) files for two (2) jobs that are of virtually identical content except times and memory usage, etc.


Any idea what might be going on here?

You could take a look at the access logs in FME Server to see if you are hitting the webhook twice? If you can only see one entry in the log from your external request then the issue will likely somewhere in your FME Server configuration. If you see two entries in the log then you might want to check out the application which is sending the requests to FME Server as this would indicate an external issue.

Thanks, Matt. Sorry I haven't returned to this thread sooner... as it turned out, this issues mysteriously went away after restarting FME Server. Whew! Anyhow, need to get back to this project because I feel like it opens up a world of opportunities especially in conjunction with doing some ArcGIS JS API web development. Writing to a database from web or reading without the need to spin up a ArcGIS Server service will be great.
