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I'm trying to fix our Google Sheets connection in FME Server after a restore but can't get the redirect URI set correctly. It's currently set to The Google authorization goes all the way to the "Allow" button before I get a "This page isn't working (ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE)" error.


I've tried different URI strings, including, but get the same error. When replacing with localhost, or the hostname, the Google auth goes nowhere.


This is a private FME Server instance that is firewalled and has no public access. What else can I try?

Hello @minorsecond​ , thanks for posting! Would you be able to shed light on any of the following questions:


  1. Did this work before the restore?
  2. Can you access Google Sheets on the machine where FME Server is hosted?
  3. What version of FME Server are you currently using? Are you using a proxy?
  4. Through the FME Server UI, if you go to: Resources > Logs > Service > Current > fmeoauth.log can you see any errors?


Thanks in advance, Kailin

