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Hello all,


Is there a max workbench file size that can be published to FME Server? It seems 100 MB is the golden number, but wondering if anything larger can be published? I was testing a size of 200MB and it would not publish.




Hi @david_prosack88,



Thanks for your question. I'm a bit curious about a 100MB + workspace. Is that a real workspace? I've only heard of this size of workspace being created by a bug. I think they'd be hard to open and work with.



In terms of FME Server limits, I'm not aware of any limit as resources of 1GB+ can be uploaded to repositories.






Hi @david_prosack88,



Thanks for your question. I'm a bit curious about a 100MB + workspace. Is that a real workspace? I've only heard of this size of workspace being created by a bug. I think they'd be hard to open and work with.



In terms of FME Server limits, I'm not aware of any limit as resources of 1GB+ can be uploaded to repositories.






Thanks for the response @nathanatsafe. A bit of a background on the process on how we upload to FME Server. I create the workspace using FME Desktop, and test the workspace making sure everything is running well. I then send the workbench off to my coworkers, whom work in a different office, and they upload it to FME Server.

In order to upload the workspace to FME Server, we had to add multiple Attribute Remover transformers in the workbench and remove all attributes that were not needed.




Thanks for the response @nathanatsafe. A bit of a background on the process on how we upload to FME Server. I create the workspace using FME Desktop, and test the workspace making sure everything is running well. I then send the workbench off to my coworkers, whom work in a different office, and they upload it to FME Server.

In order to upload the workspace to FME Server, we had to add multiple Attribute Remover transformers in the workbench and remove all attributes that were not needed.




Hi @david_prosack88,


Thanks for your reply. I do think removing unnecessary attributes is generally a good practice for any workspace. Does your workspace include geodatabase readers/writers? If so I wonder if this option would further optimize your workspace:



Do you know if your FME Server uses a web application server other than the default one shipped with FME (tomcat)? If so there may be specific size limits set at the web application server level. Other than this I'm not aware of size limitations.






