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Hi all,


Is there any possibility to create a photo application where a user can take a picture out on the field?


We are looking to see if there alternative options outside ESRI due to the licence cost.

I would think it would be possible, depending on the sort of functionality you are trying to achieve. FME Server apps can allow the uploading of a file, which could be the photo in your case and then you can use a range of transformers to do something with it, if needed. Happy to try and mock something up if you want to share some more details on what you want to try and achieve.

I am in the process of building just this very thing. My plan is to build a server app where the geotagged photo is the uploaded file taken in the Data Express app. Then my FME workspace will create a point based on the geotags and insert it into a feature class. The photo file will be saved to a folder and a hyperlink to the photo will be one of the attributes in the point feature class.


I have the workspace created, but have yet to test it because I am waiting on approval to allow our FME Server access outside our firewall so I can access the app in Data Express. I've had some discussions with our DBA about storing the photos in a database, but for now I think this will be easier to implement.

I am in the process of building just this very thing. My plan is to build a server app where the geotagged photo is the uploaded file taken in the Data Express app. Then my FME workspace will create a point based on the geotags and insert it into a feature class. The photo file will be saved to a folder and a hyperlink to the photo will be one of the attributes in the point feature class.


I have the workspace created, but have yet to test it because I am waiting on approval to allow our FME Server access outside our firewall so I can access the app in Data Express. I've had some discussions with our DBA about storing the photos in a database, but for now I think this will be easier to implement.

I agree about the Data Express app, it's worth having a look:


I would think it would be possible, depending on the sort of functionality you are trying to achieve. FME Server apps can allow the uploading of a file, which could be the photo in your case and then you can use a range of transformers to do something with it, if needed. Happy to try and mock something up if you want to share some more details on what you want to try and achieve.

Thanks Dean, would really appreciate any ideas or thoughts. I am a bit new to FME Server although using FME desktop for a number of users. We are currently exploring alternative option to collector due to the cost of licences and was looking at FME as an alternative.


The ideal solution would be to have collector clone but that is unlikely. So what I am looking to do is users take a photo and then find a way to upload this into a specific region/area with some details that might be useful. Such as description of photo or heading. Then get all that information and place it on the GIS application.

I am in the process of building just this very thing. My plan is to build a server app where the geotagged photo is the uploaded file taken in the Data Express app. Then my FME workspace will create a point based on the geotags and insert it into a feature class. The photo file will be saved to a folder and a hyperlink to the photo will be one of the attributes in the point feature class.


I have the workspace created, but have yet to test it because I am waiting on approval to allow our FME Server access outside our firewall so I can access the app in Data Express. I've had some discussions with our DBA about storing the photos in a database, but for now I think this will be easier to implement.

This is exactly what I was thinking of doing. If the photos have been geotagged then it can easily come over to the GIS web system we have setup.


Do let me know how you get on as I am exploring this.

I am in the process of building just this very thing. My plan is to build a server app where the geotagged photo is the uploaded file taken in the Data Express app. Then my FME workspace will create a point based on the geotags and insert it into a feature class. The photo file will be saved to a folder and a hyperlink to the photo will be one of the attributes in the point feature class.


I have the workspace created, but have yet to test it because I am waiting on approval to allow our FME Server access outside our firewall so I can access the app in Data Express. I've had some discussions with our DBA about storing the photos in a database, but for now I think this will be easier to implement.

@drc43​  - How have you got on with the photo application?

@drc43​  - How have you got on with the photo application?

Hi @cardiofaz​ 

Unfortunately, I am still waiting on approval for the Data Express App, so I haven't worked on this for a while. I have uploaded my workspace for you to take a look at though. I have this up on FME Server and set up as a server app. I did just test it on a browser and it does work. Have a look and if you have more questions, I'd be happy to try and help.
