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An errant process has dumped thousands of file into an FTP site with an FTP watcher on it. I now have thousands of jobs backed up in the queue with necessary jobs mixed in. I need to clear just the bad jobs from the queue and I need to do so without clicking through hundreds of pages and checking boxes. Please help.

The easiest is probably to chain together some HTTPCallers and Testers and delete them using the REST API.

Since it's probably (hopefully) a one-off, you can simplify it by hard-coding the token in the headers.

To get a list of all the queued jobs with their detailed information:

GET /fmerest/v3/transformations/jobs/queued?limit=-1&offset=-1

To delete a specific job ID:

DELETE /fmerest/v3/transformations/jobs/queued/{id}

More information here:

That solved it. Thank you.
