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I’m Holly, one of the FME Server Technology Experts at Safe Software. 


I’ve been a member of the Customer Success team since June 2018 (Wow I can’t believe it’s been 2 years already!). Prior to this I briefly worked for one of our UK Partners where I was first exposed to the magic that is FME. 


My role consists of providing technical support, primarily for our FME Server product, through a variety of platforms including Cases, Live Chat and the Community. You’ll find my name behind some of the Knowledge Base content and if you tune into our live training or webinars you may catch me here as well.


Essentially I exist to help you get the most out of FME! 


Away from my desk (now dining table) you'll find me out exploring the beautiful areas surrounding Vancouver that I’m lucky enough to call home. 


Very nice to see here @hollyatsafe​ 
