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FMEServerLogFileRetriever has been extensively used in our FME server jobs since FME 2016. It simply takes a FME server job id and returns the job's logfile content. I have been doing FME server and desktop 2019.2.1 to 2020.1.3 upgrade testing, and found this transformer works fine in desktop 2020.1.3, but breaks on the FME server 2020.1.3. The error is "FMEServerLogFileRetriever (ServerLogFileRetrieverFactory): Unable to use web connection to connect to FME Server. If connecting to FME Server 2013 or older, use direct connection." Anybody ran into this issue?

Hi @aguan​ ,

I think it might be related to this article on Upgrading FME Server 2020: Web/Database Connection permissions. Since 2019, there's been an update for security purposes that means that you'll need to reconfigure the permissions on the web connection.

Hi @aguan​ ,

I think it might be related to this article on Upgrading FME Server 2020: Web/Database Connection permissions. Since 2019, there's been an update for security purposes that means that you'll need to reconfigure the permissions on the web connection.

@jovitaatsafe, I found this issue is with the Proxy setting on the FME server. After I set the proxy IP address in System Configuration -> Network & Email, the job works now.
