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I am facing this below error in fme server 2019

"Encountered a connection error (status code 0). Retrying after 100 ms"


and the error is not always.

In my case I have parent script , which will call child scripts(i used fme server job submitter)

So for example, if there are 10 Childs to be ran, and after 5 child scripts are ran, I am getting above connection error. and then other 5 scripts will be in a queue or sometimes parent script will not get response from child.


totally parent child relation will be broken.

parent will be waiting for the child to complete and child will be in hanging state.



So my question is

what was causing this error?


should I wait, so that parent fme will get connected to child again?

or is there any ways to tell the server to, try Now(manually)


I waited 1.5 days , but no result. then i restarted....

and same issue occurred.


what to do? pls help

Hi @f.kemminje​ ,


First, I would try to verify that the JobSubmitters are in the same version as your 2019 server. If not can you delete them and replace them with the newest version. Secondly I would try to tack down where the issue is coming from by looking at the child job queue's, successes/failures, and look at the <LogDir>\\engine\\current|old\\fmeprocessmonitorengine.log

If you have a distributed environment I would also look into firewall and port settings to make sure all the traffic is getting through



