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Hi all,


Could anyone let me know what their experience of allowing users to upload photos via FME server app has been?


I am a bit of a newbie but looking to explore if a user can simply upload a picture which is then geotagged and we can then publish that onto a map for users to view.



In broad terms that's how it'd work. If it's a JPG you can access the EXIF information which contains a geotag (if there is one).

You'll need to put something in place to deal with photos that don't have a geotag and, if you plan to release this to the general public, maybe some sort of moderating workflow to check the images before publishing them.

In broad terms that's how it'd work. If it's a JPG you can access the EXIF information which contains a geotag (if there is one).

You'll need to put something in place to deal with photos that don't have a geotag and, if you plan to release this to the general public, maybe some sort of moderating workflow to check the images before publishing them.

Completely agree about content moderation if this is going to be outward-facing. As an aside, AWS has a pretty good service for image and video moderation:
