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Is anyone knows how to use the version control of FME server with Azure Dev Ops, we have folders in Azure and want to manage versions of FME workspace into Azure instead of GitHub.



Saman Aziz.


Thanks for posting this question, @samanazizgeomap!

We have only tested and verified FME Server's version control with GitHub. However, the implementation of version control uses standard Git commands and is not specific to GitHub.

It might work with Azure DevOps Repos, but we have only documented how to connect with GitHub. There are likely different steps to setup permissions on the Azure Repos and to obtain the token or key that grants authenticated access.

It is possible that FME Server is not compatible with Azure DevOps Repos. If you are unable to configure there may be product changes required. Noted that there is an idea posted to the FME Community for its support.

Hopefully we have had some other customers either attempt or successfully connect to Azure DevOps Repos and can provide more help!

(edit: added reference to the existing FME Community idea...)
