We get the following errors:
2020-10-29 17:09:30 | Python Exception <ImportError>: No module named fmeobjects
2020-10-29 17:09:30 | Failed to import `fmesite'
During installation i did not choose to install python2.7 because arcgis desktop 10.4.1 is already installed on the server. Also i encountered never issues with python before during previous upgrades (2018,2019).
I already tried to run a repair but i can't select the option to install python2.7 during this process.
I found this:
FME Server 2018.1 and later
<FMEServerDir>Server/fme/fme.exe APPLY_SETTINGS SYSTEM "Python/Use Custom Python <32|64>" true
<FMEServerDir>Server/fme/fme.exe APPLY_SETTINGS SYSTEM "Python/Python Interpreter <32|64>" c:/<path_to_dll>/python27.dll
<FMEServerDir>Server/fme/fme.exe APPLY_SETTINGS SYSTEM "Python/Custom Python Home <32|64>" c:/<path_to_python_home>
In this case can i point to C:\\apps\\FMEServer\\Server\\fme\\fmepython27.dll?
Thanks a lot!