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Hello, We are running FME Server 2020.1.0.1 and are trying to connect it to our AD to allow users to login and run automations. We keep getting the below error and we are not sure what to try next.

Unable to establish connection to directory server (91)

Port: 636

Connection Type: SSL

Authentication Type: Basic

Have you checked the firewall on both machines allows access?

Often the importing the domain controller certificate into the <FMEServerDir>/Utilities/jre/lib/security/cacerts keystore gets missed or a mistake happens. You can confirm the domain controller certificate is in the keystore by running the keytool command from 

<FMEServerDir>/Utilities/jre/bin to list contents of the keystore. The default password should be "changeit".

keytool -v -list -keystore "<FMEServerDir>/Utilities/jre/lib/security/cacerts "
