i am trying to Transpose Name fields as a Column and Value are vales
i tried attribute creater and data coming like this its sholud b in one row
i am trying to Transpose Name fields as a Column and Value are vales
i tried attribute creater and data coming like this its sholud b in one row
here its is
also i am try to do is tester for current year so it will chnage year automaticcly how can i do tht
any one
and what about the Current year ?
i am getting error will you have any idea why
"Dropping heterogeneous aggregate feature for the ARCGISPORTALFEATURES Writer, due to feature type allowed geometries restriction"
i am getting error will you have any idea why
"Dropping heterogeneous aggregate feature for the ARCGISPORTALFEATURES Writer, due to feature type allowed geometries restriction"
Hi @asadamjad
The error that you are receiving is due to fact that you are attempting to write "fme_aggregate" to a fme_polyline feature (ArcGIS Portal).
You could use geometry filter transformer to fix that or use my workspace below, which should have the expected result (as long as you are writing to a new FeatureService).
In case, you are writing to existing FeatureService, please ensure that incoming attribute names and data type match those on the server.