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The Twelve Days of FME 2020

  • 26 November 2020
  • 7 replies

Welcome everyone, to the Twelve Days of FME Contest for 2020.


A series of challenges will appear over the coming month. The links are below. You can enter any challenge, all challenges, or none at all (though then you won't win any prizes).


And there are a lot of prizes! We're not sure exactly what they will be, but I can guarantee prizes for each challenge.


So take a look at the current challenge and don't forget to follow this page so you receive new updates!



Full terms and conditions are available for review on this page.

7 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +36

Awesome @mark2atsafe​ 

Badge +11


Badge +16


Userlevel 2
Badge +23

Even though there can be only one winner per challenge, it could be fun to see a leaderboard of how many challenges people got correct. For those who successfully got all challenges (to date) they could be ordered by entry time of the latest challenge.

Userlevel 5
Badge +36

Even though there can be only one winner per challenge, it could be fun to see a leaderboard of how many challenges people got correct. For those who successfully got all challenges (to date) they could be ordered by entry time of the latest challenge.

That's very true. I shall look into publishing a record of who has got the most correct. Although not all challenges are quite as objective as this.

Userlevel 5
Badge +36

The final challenge - the grand FME quiz - is now live. You can find it here:

This challenge closes 11:59pm (PST) on Friday January 8th.


Hello! Is there somewhere I can find all materials related with the Puzzles? 
