getting the following error writing to filegeodatabase and or esri geodatabse. Our work bench work perfect in FME 2018, but ift fails in 2019.0, 2019.1 and 2019.2. If you disable the writer, and run with feature caching, up to the writer, enable the writer, and just run the last part it works.
I have tested the same work bench today in 2020, and working perfectly
also tested it in 2019, writing to shapefile and geojson - both worked OK
the same happens when you use LineonAreaOverlay
imsge 1 - shows success, image 2 show failure in 2019
Writer mode is 'INSERT'
Transactions are being used by the Geodatabase Writer
Geodatabase Writer: Truncating table/feature class `ShrubBedCandidates'
Geodatabase Writer: The field 'OBJECTID' in table 'ShrubBedCandidates' will not be updated since it is not editable
Geodatabase Writer: The field 'SHAPE.STLength()' in table 'ShrubBedCandidates' will not be updated since it is not editable
An error occurred while attempting to insert a row into the table 'ShrubBedCandidates' using a cursor. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147418113'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {}
Storing feature(s) to FME feature store file `M:\\Production\\Development\\VogtRudy\\repositories\\quality-assurance\\appcode\\fmw\\candidate\\ShrubBedCandidates_log.ffs'