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Have and excel spreadsheet, roughly 90 mb, if II make a workspace that simply reads that excel file and writes it, the size of the written excel file by FME is about 179 mb.

I am just using the defaults on both the reader and writer. If I open the file in excel and clear all cell formatting, and save, it drops the file size down to about 109 mb. Any Ideas why FME is writing a file that is almost double the size of the source file? and is there any way to clear out any formatting, assuming that is where the bloat is coming from ?

Hi @mferwerda3​ could you share some screenshots of where you are seeing this (e.g. file manager), and maybe a sample file and log? There might be more things we could do with additional information, thanks!

Using windows explorer, the original file is 90 mb and the same file read and written by FME is 160 mb



Attached is a dummy data set I made up, but similar data types, original size is 17 mb, when written by FME i tis 23 MB

