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while moving the license server to another node, we got an error that seemed to be solved couple of weeks ago. FME version 2017.1

The safe.lic file in the server is:


VENDOR safe PORT=27000


FEATURE FME safe 1.0 permanent 3 F7B5DEC63BD2 BORROW=720

FEATURE FME_GUI safe 1.0 permanent 3 42090CC82133 BORROW=720

FEATURE national safe 1.0 permanent 3 87C291B33CFC BORROW=720

FEATURE basic_raster safe 1.0 permanent 3 EEEA5B38F186 BORROW=720

FEATURE segy_reading safe 1.0 permanent 3 5DA1830C610F BORROW=720

FEATURE segy_writing safe 1.0 permanent 3 1240EA22A78D BORROW=720

FEATURE database safe 1.0 permanent 3 AA5C10C9845D BORROW=720

FEATURE fmeobjects_reproject safe 1.0 permanent 3 E66ED683EA87 BORROW=720

FEATURE spatialbiz safe 1.0 permanent 3 58E842DD2613 BORROW=720


# Serial Number(s): ABCD-EFGH-12AB


Client side in the licensing assistant I put the address below:

With the 27000 port like the one specified in the vendor parameter.

Trying to connect to the server with licensing assistant, I receive the error "Cannot connect to floating license server"


The port is open in the firewall (successful connect with Telnet)

The FlexServer is installed in the e: drive where I also copied the safe.lic


Do I need to make other configurations?

Is the port 27000 allowed for VENDOR parameter?


Thanks a lot


Hi @roberto​ ,

The VENDOR port should not be specified to port 27000, as there are two ports used for the floating license service - the other is the SERVER port. And the first default port that the SERVER port uses is 27000.

You will want to specify 2 ports, the SERVER and VENDOR port. The SERVER port is typically between 27000 and 27009, and the VENDOR port number is typically between 1700 and 8000. 

This article here outlines how to specify both of these ports.


Thanks Andrea,

considering not possible to open a port in the 1700-8000 range but the 49188 one already available, is it possible to specify 27000 for SERVER and 49188 for VENDOR?


Thanks Andrea,

considering not possible to open a port in the 1700-8000 range but the 49188 one already available, is it possible to specify 27000 for SERVER and 49188 for VENDOR?


You can certainly use a port that works for your organization.

What you've suggested with 27000 for SERVER and 49188 for VENDOR, should be good.

If you have firewalls in place, be sure that you add those ports to your firewall exception list.


Fine, I'll change the file with these parameters.



