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We updated our FME server from 2022.0.1 to 2023.0.1, But

When I try to convert a FGDB file to another format. I get the error screen as below

imageWe installed Arcgis pro 2.9.3 already.

But it is working fine in FEM server 2022.0.1

Those look more like debug messages than error messages, is that possible? What happens if you turn off debug log messages, republish the workspace and re-run it?

Sorry, the error is like below


Did you already look at the referenced article?

There's notably a section about some important points regarding the installation of ArcGIS Pro.

That said, please note: FME Server requires that ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Server software be installed. While it is technically possible for FME Server to use ArcGIS Pro, we have been informed by Esri Inc. that the use of ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro in a server context violates Esri's license terms.

Thanks, We will check
