I did go into C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME and deleted the License folder within, but that won't refresh anything that shown in FME Desktop Licensing Assistant. I am looking to see 0 under "In Use" column shown in the Licensing Assistant little window.
1) How do I refresh the license server (? I do know its name -- hostname of my floating license server-- if that what it takes to see the 0 under "In Use" column?
2) I need to release the seat so I can reuse it to license the FME Desktop again after I'm done with re-installing the app (Currently it keeps saying the one seat is still "In Use." Is it because I didn't not release it properly by just doing an 'accidental' uninstallation of my FME Desktop prior?
3) Do I need to do anything with the register key it gave me?