Has the photo in question got coordinates in the extended information in the file?
PhotoCoordinateExtractor | FME Hub (safe.com)
Features which do not have HEIF or JPEG GPS Exif latitude and longitude attributes
yes it has. how to rectify the error?
yes it has. how to rectify the error?
@malavikavenu96 , When the rejected feature is shown, are you able to find that photo via your file browser and send a screenshot of the Details tab, showing the GPS section please? (maybe just blur out the last part of the coordinates?)
The only time I see an error is when the photo doesn't have coordinates embedded within the EXIF data.
Also, if you go and edit the PhotoCoordinateExtractor and take a copy of the AttributeExposer, put it inline before the PhotoCoordinateExtractor you could put a Test in place to find those that don't have values for jpeg_exif_gpslongitude and jpeg_exif_gpslatitude