
How to calculate distance of points on polyline and add value in a field ?

  • 1 December 2021
  • 5 replies


i'm trying to do basic treatment but it's not working for me. I've looking for this on technical forum but i don't find exactly what i want to do.

I have a layer of points (which represents adresses) and a layer of lines (which represents streets).

The points are snapped on lines. I want to calculate in a new field for each point adress, his distance to the startpoint of the polyline which it belongs.

I try with "PointOnLineOverlayer" combined with MeasureGenerator/MeasureExtractor but i don't reach purpose.


Do you have an idea for my problem ?



5 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +21

You have the right combination of transformers. So can you confirm, you have generated a measure on the line, followed by a point on line overlayer (with merge measures set to yes), followed by a measure extractor on the points exiting the point on line overlayer




I've understood my mistake with "merge measure" parameter on PointOnLineOverlayer transformer.

That's work now !

Thanks for your help !

Ok, i try to perform this treatment.

My point's adress by default are not on polyline but on left or right position from polyline. Can I find if a point is on the left/right from polyline (compared from his direction) and calculate an even or odd metric value for the point ?

Can we do that with FME ?


Userlevel 1
Badge +21

Ok, i try to perform this treatment.

My point's adress by default are not on polyline but on left or right position from polyline. Can I find if a point is on the left/right from polyline (compared from his direction) and calculate an even or odd metric value for the point ?

Can we do that with FME ?


Take a look at the LeftRightSpatialCalculator

Take a look at the LeftRightSpatialCalculator


Sorry for the late reply. I have a strange behavior with the LeftRightSpatialCalculator transformer. The parameter "Use the nearest base point to the candidate" doesn't work with base type "unique". All points have the same polyline detected in base, FME don't take care about the proximity of street.

Have you already encountered this problem ?

