
geometry instance

  • 14 June 2021
  • 1 reply

Badge +1

i could read all atributes and create a table from a geometry instance. i know yath i could use "geometrytraitextractor" but i put each name to expose each one.

but i need expose all, and i dont know how do that

1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +11

Hi @fer_ruiz​,

Good question! I had some success with using the TraitsToAttributes transformer created by a community user from the FME Hub followed by an AttributeExposer. If you're running FME 2020.2 and higher, there should be an Import button on the bottom right that allows you to 'Import From Feature Cache'. If you've partially run the translation right up to just before the AttributeExposer, the caches will show you all the attributes that you can view in the Feature Information Window, and from there you could Select All to import.

AttributeExposerThis way, you shouldn't need to type anything by hand. Hopefully that helps for your scenario!
